Sunday, June 26, 2005

Norris Dam area

The 3rd week of June was the time for Honda Hoot in Knoxville, Tennessee. Thousands of Honda riders gathered along with owners of probably every other make of motorcycle as well. The idea was to test ride new bikes provided by manufacturers, look over acres of aftermaket parts and accessories, and oh yes, try out some of Tennessee's famous motorcycle roads.

I got a late start and headed for the Hoot Friday morning. Polecat (Pole to his friends) told me via the gl1800riders BBS he would ride along if I would meet him in Dayton. I left Michigan in the dark as always, without any rain which is unusual for a long ride. Also as usual, I couldn't sleep the night before taking off. So, bleary eyed but determined, south I went.

Just as we had planned, Polecat showed up half an hour late at the Waffle House with an empty gas tank. I don't remember much after that except the weather was perfect and we didn't get any tickets. We took I-75 all the way to Knoxville. At exit 108 we tried to get a room for Polecat at the Clarion but they either were booked or got a close look at us and referred us to the Econo-Lodge down the street. I already had reserved a place about 20 miles north that I shared with a huge black bug which clung to the wall the whole night (I hope). I didn't mind. The price was right and the bug was quiet and didn't eat much.

Before attempting to make up two nights sleep I needed I went for an eighty mile ride east of the freeway through some back roads and parks. I wanted to get my pegs used to scraping for the following day's ride. My plan worked.

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